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Red Tibs/Lamb/ ቀይሕ ጥብሲ /በጊፅ/  119 Kr
A Spicy saute of tender lapm, Tomato, Rosemary, garlic, onion & Exotic Spices served with Injera.
Red Tibsi /Beef/ ቀይሕ ጥብሲ /ብዕራይ/ 109 Kr
A Spicy saute of tender onion & Exotic Spices served with Injera.
White Tibsi /Lamb/ ጻዕዳ ጥብሲ /በጊፅ/ 119 Kr
A mild sauté of tender Beef, Tomato, Rosemary,  garlic and onion served with Injera.
White Tibsi /Beef/ ጻዕዳ ጥብሲ /ብዕራይ/ 109 Kr
A mild sauté of tender Beef, Tomato, Rosemary,  garlic and onion served with Injera.
Shikla /Beef/ ሸክላ /ብዕራይ/ 130 Kr
Beef, Tomato, Rosemary,  garlic, onion, Green chili Butter, Ginger And Various Spices.
Kitfo ?Raw/Medium/ ክትፎ /ለብለብ/ ጥሬ 130 Kr
Finely Chopped Beef Mixed with spicy butter served with Enjera, cottage cheese, Mustard and a spicy souce /AWAZY/
Zigni /ዝግኒ 109 Kr
Tender Bee, Onion, Garlic, Berber, Sauce & Butter, gurger and various spices served with injera
Dlot /ድለት/ 109 Kr
lamb, beef, entratts, garlic, onion, green chili rosmary , Oil butter and various spicea served with injera.
Zhla / ዝሕላ/ 109 kr
Raw beef served with enjera, Mustard and berbere souce
Non - veg combination plates /በየአይነቱ ናይ ሰዕረት/ 109 Kr
Red and white Tibsi /Beef/ A chicken Thighs, Zigni and an egg served with injera.
Chicken /ደርሆ/ 110 Kr
Tender Chicken Gently simmered served with egg and injera
Spinach With Meat /ሓምሊ ብስጋ/ 99 Kr
Beef, spinach, onion, Garlic, Oil and spices served with injera.


Red Lentils /ቀይሕ ዓደስ 85 Kr
Redrentils, Onion , garlic, & a hint of berbere souce, various spices served with injera
Kike / ከክዕ/ 89 Kr
Split yellow Beans, a little spice, Oil, Onion & Garlic served with injera.
Shiro /ሽሮ/ 100 Kr
A mild bean dish made from ground chickpeans in a delicately flavored herb sauce served with injera
Alicho /ኣልጫ/ 85 Kr
Combination cabbage, potatoes carots Onion, Garlic oil, Various spices & Rosemary
Beyaynetu Vag - combination plates /በየአይነቱ/ 85 Kr
Served with injera & salad
Vegetable soup /ናይ ኣሕምልቲ መለቅ/ 20 Kr


Fata /ፋታ ብስልሲ/ 75 Kr
Tomato , onion , garlic , oil , berbere spices & served with Bread
Fata /ፋታ ብስጋ/ 110 Kr
Tomato onion , garlic, oil, Berber spice , Beef & Butter Served With Bread.

Pasta /ፓስታ/

Pasta /ፓስታ ብስልሲ/ 80 Kr
Tomato , Onion , garlic oil berbere spice , various spices
Beef pasta /ፓስታ ብስጎ/ 95 Kr
Tomato , onion , garlic oil berbere spice, beef & various spices
Spaghetti /ስፓጌቲ ብስልሲ/ 80 Kr
Tomato , onion , garlic oil berbere spice, various spices
Beef spaghetti /ስፓጌቲ ብስጋ/ 95 Kr
Beef spaghetti /ስፓጌቲ ብስጋ/ Tomato , onion , garlic oil berbere spice, beef & various spices
Mosob special dish /ምሶብ ስፔሻል/ 150 Kr


3 kugler, chokoladesance og flodesum
Tiramisu 50 Kr
Klassisk italiensk kaffekage
Degens kage 55 Kr
Sparg venligst ljeneren

Injera take away

Injera take away /እንጀራ ንደግ ዝሸየጥ/ 10 Kr
Teff imjera with out glucose /Carbohydrate/ እንጀራ ጤፍ 35 Kr

Cold Drinks

Canned soda 15 Kr
Cola (bottle) 20 Kr
Water 10 Kr
Mango juice (per glass) 25 Kr
Orange juice (per glass) 25 Kr
Apple juice (per glass) 25 Kr
pineapple juice (per glass) 25 Kr
caned beer 20 kr
Bottle of beer (classic/tuborg) 25 Kr
Eritrean beer 35 Kr
Ethiopian beer 35 Kr
Glass of wine 35 Kr
Bottle of wine 160 Kr
Traditional drink Mes/ Teji 30 Kr

Hot Drinks

Tea 15 Kr
Coffee 20 Kr
Coffee latte 20 Kr
Cappuccino 25 Kr
Eritrean traditional coffee 140 Kr
Eritrean traditional coffee with hmbasha 200 Kr